Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Day 6 down. I had hungry pains a couple times today. You know what that means. . .more lemonade. :) I had 7 lemonades today. My tongue is nasty white. I am not eliminating anything to terribly disgusting. I have debated stopping the cleanse, but feel like I am this far into it, why stop. All this work and discipline would go right down the drain. Hopefully my tongue will change colors back soon. That would be a good indication that the cleanse is over.


Alex and Jessica and kids said...

more power to ya, crazy lady!!!

RHS said...

don't you think cleansing if more a mental thing than physical thing? that's how i always feel. what is your cleansing routine? just lemons? any aloe vera juice? keep it up...you're almost there. rach

Shauna said...

Total mental. My cleanse is lemon and Grade B maple syrup with cayenne. It is called the master cleanse. In the beginning I wasn't drinking enough lemonade. I have often felt cold and sometimes I was hungry. Total my fault. I would just get busy and not stay on top of it. It has been a really good positive experience for me. :)