Friday, January 4, 2008

Day 2

WOW! Did I have a night. I think my body is going through caffeine withdrawals. I never really thought I was super addicted to caffeine. In the past month I really let down my "Clean Eating" guard and I have been consuming a diet coke every day along with other food that are not good for my body. There is a lot of junk for my body to try to detox. I was up with a headache for most of the night. I took a bath, relaxed, checked blogs. :) I did not take any medication for it. I was way tempted. The more I thought about it I realized that if I did take medication I would be making my digestive track work hard to digest it and it would not be good for my cleanse. I have read that day 2 is one of the hardest days. I think I am doing pretty good. I am drinking my lemonade and having a lot of bowel moments. Kind of . . .kind of just liquid but it is pretty regular. To my cleanse and a commitment to Clean Eating when I am done. :)


Alex and Jessica and kids said...

Wow that is all I cah say to you. I really give you props if I did a cleanse I would not be able to run and runnung is everything to me so more power to you hope you are having fun times drinking your "Special Lemonade" the 10 days. All I can say is WOW!!!

Shauna said...

I know it is hard to believe but I actually worked out yesterday. Ran and weight lifting. Today my headache is taking over. Tomorrow I will workout. :)

Alex and Jessica and kids said...

Okay you be careful young lady, you are going to drop dead of a heart attack

Barrett Bunch said...

Hmmm.. very inspired, but if you are going through caffeine withdrawls I will need to check into caffeine detox before I do this cleanse... Maybe not I might get inpired even more if I keep reading! Way to go!!!!