Friday, April 25, 2008

Green Beans

Yum Yum Yummy! For a healthy little side this one is at the top of my list.

Ingredients; French beans, mushrooms, coconut oil, and Season Salt.
This recipe you just guess and throw it all together. I don't do exact measurement except for the coconut oil. It is usually a handful of this or a handful of that, etc.
Add 1 tbs coconut oil to warm skillet.See those little ends ~ we call them pokies. They have got to go. Once upon a time I tried serving those pokies to my kiddies and they thought they were going to die. To this day they have a slight phobia of the green beans.Cut off one side of the pokies. Then the other side. Add those green beans to the mix.
Shake it! Shake it!
Never realized that I like mushrooms. I like mushrooms! Add those mushrooms. Mushrooms with green beans and coconut oil is like a treat!
Maybe even add some more. Cooking it in the skillit is really a matter of personal preference. If you like your greens extra crispy no so long. If you like them a little softer longer. Good luck. . . And there you go! Go and enjoy!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


M1: 1/3 oatmeal, 1tb Maple syrup, Protein shake
M2: Banana, 1 tb Peanut butter (just can't kick it yet)
M3: Chicken Salad ~ 4 oz chicken, 3 cups spinach, 2 tbs black beans, 2 tbs salsa, 2 tbs Sour cream, 1/2 tomato.
M4: Tilapia, 1/2 tbs Coconut oil, 2 tbs rice, 2 tbs black beans, 2 tbs sour cream, 3 strawberries.
M5: 1 cup FF yogurt, 3 large strawberries, 1/4 cup granola.

5 liters

Monday, April 14, 2008


Just sharing some yummy recipes. I am not a food photographer (I heard it is an art of it's own) and definitely not considered a good cook (that is sissy). I'm just a simple girl trying to eat clean meals. Thought I would share some recipes with those on a clean eating quest. I know all to well that eating clean can cancel hours and hours of gym time. So let's eat clean! We'll start with one of my favorites . . .this TILAPIA Creation!
Ingredients; Tilapia, Rice, Tomato, Avocado or Coconut Oil, Black Beans, Season Salt, Sour Cream and Fresh Salsa.Melt 1/2 tb Coconut Oil per serving. If you want to save on calories use Cooking Spray. 1/2 tb coconut oil is about 59 calories. Remember you need a healthy fat and Coconut oil is a really yummy healthy fat. It adds an amazing flavor.Put those loins in pan. Season with Johnny's Season Salt. Johnny's is a favorite. Try it. . .You'll love it!

While those Tilapia cooks. Measure 2 tbs Fat Free Sour Cream. Add 2 tbs fresh Salsa.Yes. . .black beans straight from the can.Rinse. Please Please Please Rinse. We are clean eating here!

Add 2 tbs Black Beans.I added 1/4 cup of Rice. After I calculated the calories I should have added 2 tbs it would have been plenty filling and cut the calories to the perfect amount.
Dice up 1/2 tomato.Add it to the Mix.
The easiest way for me to check if the Tilapia is completely cooked is if it breaks apart really easily.Add 1/4 avocado. I know avocados are delicious. . .but only 1/4 and only if you didn't use coconut oil. We don't need to go on healthy fat overload. Just add that to the mix. And Mix. . . . Add fully cooked Tilapia.And Mix. . .mix . . .mix. . .It might not look all that delicious, but let me tell you it is so yummy! It is a regular at this house. I L*O*V*E love it!
Serve with your choice of a yummy veggie.
Approximate calories; 320

Online journal

WOW! I am trying to get myself a little more motivated to "eat clean." This little lady has enjoyed a little too many treaty treats every single day. Some how the treaty treats sneak in my house and I have no trouble getting rid of them. I am going to use this little website as my fitness journal as well as everything else I've been using it for. I'm hoping it will help to keep me a little more motivated. :) Jess keep me straight. . . keep me clean!
M1: 1/3 Cup oatmeal, Protein Shake
M2: 3/4 berries, 1 cup yogurt, 1/4 cup granola
M3: Tortilla, 5 oz chicken, 2tb sour cream, 2 tbs shredded cheese, 1/2 cup tomato, 1/2 cup spinach.
M4: Tilapia, 1/4 cups rice, 2 tbs Black beans, 1/2 cup tomato, 1/2 tbs coconut oil, 1/4 avocado, 2 cups broccoli.
M5: Banana, 2 tbs peanut butter (I should really give up Peanut butter.. . .it is my weakness. . .an addiction. . .maybe next week :))