Sunday, January 13, 2008

Meal Plan

Breakfast (8am)
Pumpkin Pancakes
2 tbs Mrs. Butters Worth Syrup
Protein Shake
Snack (10:30am)
2 tbs Peanut Butter
Lunch (1pm)

1/2 can of tuna
1 diced pickle
1 slices of bread
1 cucumber
Snack (3:30pm)
1 cup Yogurt
1 cup mixed berries
1/4 cup granola
Dinner (6pm)
Tilapia cooked in 1tbs coconut oil
2 tbs Couscous
2 tbs Black Beans
2 tbs Salsa
2 tbs FF sour cream
1 small tomato
Optional Snack (8pm)
Protein Shake

*DRINK 4 Liters of Water a day.
Calories are approximately: 1950

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Day 10

I was going to finish off the cleanse the correct way until I rationalized to myself. "Oh my body is resilient. I am the exception." So I downed dinner. Boy did that taste yummy. Hours later I realized why they have you slowly start introducing food. I wasn't sick throwing up, rather sick uncomfortable. I decided to take the tea and start with OJ in the am and go off the cleanse the correct way. People have done it many times before me. I now know just take their writings for what they are and not think I am the exception to everything. Tomorrow it's OJ. :)

Day 9

Today I have been contemplating stopping the cleanse one day early. I feel really good, just kind of over lemonade and am ready to eat real food. Than I thought to myself, "Self, if you are going to do it ~ do it to the end." My momma didn't raise no quitter. So tomorrow is the last lemonade day then it is on to orange juice for a day then slowly start introducing food again. Yesterday I went to the gym did a little running and steam room. I don't know what I did to myself, but I think I eliminated at least 5 times after the gym. Maybe that is a good sign. A sign that exercise and steam help get those toxins out. :) Well, I guess I will enjoy my very last lemonade day tomorrow.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Day 8

Still doing great. Good ~ good ~ better. I am kind of excited to start eating real food soon. It's funny. I'm not really having cravings. Just missing eating healthy food. Chicken. Shrimp. fish. tomatoes. broccoli. I know it's crazy. I am not craving sugar/caffeine at all. There is sure something to be said about that.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Day 7

Happy Cleansing for me. I am feeling energized and am doing great. I don't really have much to write b/c I feel so good. I deep cleaned over half my house today. Played games with the kids. Did the whole preschool thing. And honestly just had a great day.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Day 6 down. I had hungry pains a couple times today. You know what that means. . .more lemonade. :) I had 7 lemonades today. My tongue is nasty white. I am not eliminating anything to terribly disgusting. I have debated stopping the cleanse, but feel like I am this far into it, why stop. All this work and discipline would go right down the drain. Hopefully my tongue will change colors back soon. That would be a good indication that the cleanse is over.

Day 6

I don't know what this lemonade cleanse is doing to me. :) I wouldn't say that I feel energized, but I am feeling rested on 4 hours of sleep. Jacq had a super hard night. She got up at 2am and kind of off and on since. I was just tossing and turning until I decided to just get out of bed. We will see what the day brings.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Day 5

Day 5 down and it was no big deal. I did get a concerned phone call from my Dad. He was insisting that I stop all this craziness yesterday. I need to stop this cleanse immediately. I feel like I am doing pretty good. In fact, I have had some amazing insights into my little world. Tim was worried that I might loose too much weight. That has not been the case at all. I went to the gym to work out today and I weigh the same amount as I did 5 days ago. I am so OK with not losing weight. The purpose of the cleanse has never been to loose weight but to get all the bad toxins out. It is crazy when I concentrate on having a healthy diet and not loading my body full of sugar the pounds melt away. In fact, I often times loose too much weight. Well, tommorrow is one day closer to a Toxin free body. :)

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Day 4

This am I noticed that my tongue has started to turn white. I would worry, but everything I read says that this is a part of the process. YIPPPEE! That means I am cleaning out all those nasty toxins. :) I thought today was going to be more difficult than other days. Not only is it Sunday, but there is a lot of down time, lots of treats, and even more treats. To my surprise the detox process was pretty easy. I think it is just starting to become a part of my every day routine.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

3 down 7 to go!

I feel pretty good about my cleanse world. :) I even had enough energy to get a P90X in. Now that is good news. I know I am not drinking enough lemonade. I think today I had 5. Tomorrow I am going to try to get a lot more of those drinkity drinks in. And hopefully I will be expecting some good toxins to come out.

Day 3

My headache has finally gone away. That allowed me to have a much better nights rest. I am feeling a little sluggish. I am hoping to get this boost of energy that everyone talks about soon. I went to a baptism brunch today and there was a lot of yummy yummy food there. It was weird because I wasn't too tempted. After Tim and I were watching some French guy do a cooking show and it was killing me. I had to leave and make myself some lemonade. LOL. That last line sounds funny to me. Lemonade here I come. :)

Friday, January 4, 2008

Still day 2

My friend Ryan is in town staying with us. He has been telling me some pretty interesting stories from when he did the cleanse. Ryan said he ended up doing his cleanse for 14 days. He said he was stinking up the entire room. That he sweat toxins out of his pours. That his breathe wreaked of something pretty horrible. CRAZY! I have to admit that after hearing that my lemonade has gotten a little spicier. I am hoping to move the toxins out faster. :) I don't believe that I have been drinking enough lemonade. Today I drank 5, so far, but there have been times that I was pretty hungry. I still have my caffeine withdrawal headache. I am hoping it goes away because I really want to workout. I only missed today, but I am pretty sad about that. Maybe I will go do an abs video. I am excited to get past tomorrow. I read a book that said day 2, day 3, and day 7 are the hardest.

Day 2

WOW! Did I have a night. I think my body is going through caffeine withdrawals. I never really thought I was super addicted to caffeine. In the past month I really let down my "Clean Eating" guard and I have been consuming a diet coke every day along with other food that are not good for my body. There is a lot of junk for my body to try to detox. I was up with a headache for most of the night. I took a bath, relaxed, checked blogs. :) I did not take any medication for it. I was way tempted. The more I thought about it I realized that if I did take medication I would be making my digestive track work hard to digest it and it would not be good for my cleanse. I have read that day 2 is one of the hardest days. I think I am doing pretty good. I am drinking my lemonade and having a lot of bowel moments. Kind of . . .kind of just liquid but it is pretty regular. To my cleanse and a commitment to Clean Eating when I am done. :)

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Journey to Detox

I decided to start the year off with a detox. I started the Master Cleanse today and am feeling like I really love food a lot a lot a lot. Good Food. Vegetables. Food full of junk. Food full of sugar. Drinks with caffeine. You name it I like it. I think I really like the sensation of chewing my food. I was really good about holding strong to my cleanse all day. I did notice that there were many time during the day that I would go to lick the kid's spoon or eat an uneaten carrot. I didn't do it but I did feel the urge to do it and to do it a lot. So it got me to thinking how often do I do that on regular basis and never realize. I know it is not a big deal but I am sure in some way those unhealthy calories add up. I am sure that is not good for my body, but I am sure that this cleanse is going to be. Happy Cleansing to me.