Friday, January 4, 2008

Still day 2

My friend Ryan is in town staying with us. He has been telling me some pretty interesting stories from when he did the cleanse. Ryan said he ended up doing his cleanse for 14 days. He said he was stinking up the entire room. That he sweat toxins out of his pours. That his breathe wreaked of something pretty horrible. CRAZY! I have to admit that after hearing that my lemonade has gotten a little spicier. I am hoping to move the toxins out faster. :) I don't believe that I have been drinking enough lemonade. Today I drank 5, so far, but there have been times that I was pretty hungry. I still have my caffeine withdrawal headache. I am hoping it goes away because I really want to workout. I only missed today, but I am pretty sad about that. Maybe I will go do an abs video. I am excited to get past tomorrow. I read a book that said day 2, day 3, and day 7 are the hardest.

1 comment:

Alex and Jessica and kids said...

Okay are you going to die? I have heard some super scary stories about the Master Cleanse program and how bad it is for your body. People that have done this cleanse have died of heart attacks and I am not sure if you need to die right now and leave your kids momless ok, so maybe you should be done with your cleansing. So maybe just cut the sugar and the caffine and be happy...Just eat clean. Go get a colonic it does the same thing.