Friday, April 25, 2008

Green Beans

Yum Yum Yummy! For a healthy little side this one is at the top of my list.

Ingredients; French beans, mushrooms, coconut oil, and Season Salt.
This recipe you just guess and throw it all together. I don't do exact measurement except for the coconut oil. It is usually a handful of this or a handful of that, etc.
Add 1 tbs coconut oil to warm skillet.See those little ends ~ we call them pokies. They have got to go. Once upon a time I tried serving those pokies to my kiddies and they thought they were going to die. To this day they have a slight phobia of the green beans.Cut off one side of the pokies. Then the other side. Add those green beans to the mix.
Shake it! Shake it!
Never realized that I like mushrooms. I like mushrooms! Add those mushrooms. Mushrooms with green beans and coconut oil is like a treat!
Maybe even add some more. Cooking it in the skillit is really a matter of personal preference. If you like your greens extra crispy no so long. If you like them a little softer longer. Good luck. . . And there you go! Go and enjoy!

1 comment:

MaDeb or Deb said...

yummmmmmm... That looks really good!