Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Boy oh boy. . .I have had such a hard time staying motivated to eat clean and exercise regularly this winter. There is always some excuse. . ."I'll start tomorrow." "Six o'clock is so early and COLD!" "I am addicted to sugar I can't eat clean." The list could go on and on. I've decided instead of being a victim to all my excuses. It is time to do something about it. I am going to find a way to motivate myself. I came across this article, "Way to stick to your workout," in Oxygen Magazine April 2008. Love all their suggestions. I'll bold the ones that work best for me.

*Switch things up. Change your workout partner every once in a while. If you get to comfortable sometimes it is easy to slack off or cancel. (I would add also personally add switch up your workouts, if you do the same things every day you are headed directly for burn out.)
*Sign up for a race or competition.
*Join a fitness message board.
*Make a new playlist.
*Plan in advance. Plan your work outs a month in advance and cross them off as you complete them.
*Save the best for last. Start your work outs with your least favorite exercises and work towards your favorite ones.
*Measure up. Oh yeah this is a big motivator for me. I've done this before and let me tell you I ate clean and was a regular at the gym. I love to see my measurements go down and down and down.
*Single set. If you don't feel like working out go and do one set. Changes are you will want to finish your work out. Sometimes the hardest part is the getting to the gym.
*Reward yourself. Let your rewards help and benefit you (ie: new outfit, facial, massage) and not be destructive (ie Junk food).
*Write it down.
*Find a friend or join a class. This was not actually in the article, but I am telling you that if I know I have to meet a friend at the gym and they are counting on me it is awfully hard to cancel.
Remember Swim Suit Season is upon us! Find something that motivates you and let us all know. :) Good luck getting and staying motivated.

1 comment:

MaDeb or Deb said...

Thanks for sharing and re-motivating us all! A couple more weeks and I'll be back in full force but until then I really appreciate all your suggestions and motivating blogs!! Thanks for sharing..