Wednesday, February 6, 2008


I was totally dreaming about Xylitol Sweetener last night. How weird?!??! I don't know who dreams about All Natural Sugar Subsitute, but I do. I suppose I am glad that I do. I am so excited about using Xylitol. I have been using it for about 4 months now. There is such a comforting feeling knowing that I am not loading my kids full of unhealthy chemicals that are hard for their little bodies to process. Plus because of the molecular difference between Xylitol and Sugar there are many health benefits of using it. Right on the package it says, "Xylitol is a proven cavity fighter. There are 40% fewer calories than sugar. Xylitol is good news for diabetics. As crazy as it sounds it helps reduce middle ear infections. If you decide to subsitute Xylitol into your diet know that it can take the place the place of sugar in equal amounts. Check it out when you get a chance. . .you'll love this stuff. :)

1 comment:

Alex and Jessica and kids said...

i have read more receipes than i can count that have xylitol in them, didn't really know what it was at first and I ahve not tired it. i better make a trip to the store!!