Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Results

Just in case you haven't heard me say this. . . I just want you all to know. . .finding a better lifestyle isn't about getting caught up in being thin, feeling pressure from the media, or encouraging others to lose weight and be unhealthy. It is more of a quest to better serve my family, discover healthy eating habits, and finding a good balance in an intense workout. In my quest I found energy and strength in me. My self-esteem and confidence have been boosted. I am a new and better person from the inside ~ out. Thanks Kristi for the tools and guidance through your program. You have given me the tools that have helped change my life and my family's lives forever.
"Whether you think you can or think you can't ~
You are right"
-Henry Ford


Laura Lee said...

Shauna you look awsome!!! It is amazing what a big change can take place with hard work and dedication. There is no quick fix for being fit and feeling good. Your pictures help inspire me to keep going in my qwest - anything is possible!!!!

Brooke said...

You look HOT!!!! Wow what a differance. Congrats Sister!

J Glazier said...

You look GREAT! Hats off to all your hard work. I admire your dedication.

Shannon said...

WOO HOO Babe!! You look awesome!!
Good job, and that was how many weeks?
Seriously Kristi...YOU ROCK!

Heather said...

You look so great. You are a inspiration to all of us. I will keep working so I can look as good as you in my swimsuit at the pool parties next year :)

RHS said...

You are my hero!! Those pics are so inspiring!! Thanks!

laura said...

Shauna- that is incredible. I didn't know what the "Lifestyle" change was really all about, but I'm ready to sign now. Seriously, where did you get all of your info. Was it your own program or someone elses. Do tell.

Heather C. said...

What a joke. Only in Utah County can anorexia be called a 'Lifestyle'.