Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mashed Potatoes

I was pleasantly surprised with this recipe. I am not the biggest potato fan. I made these more for the kids but they turned out surprisingly well and the kids gobbled them up. I know they don't look very yummy, but Tim even had a second helping.

The recipe came from this Deceptively Delicious. Picked up this book and then had second thoughts. I didn't want to hide vegetables from my kids, but decided that it was OK as long they had a vegetable side.
Ingredients; 1/2 cup Cauliflower puree, 16 oz potatoes, 1/2 cup buttermilk, and 2 tbs butter.Peel 16 oz of potatoes, for me this was 4 medium size potatoes.Prepare them to be boiled.Boil them.While the potatoes are boiling, steam some cauliflower. I steamed the whole head.Once it is steamed, blend it up.. .Blend it up good. . . Real good.. . You don't want to have any cauliflower clumps.Drain the potatoes and get ready to mix it all up.Add 1/2 cup of blended cauliflower.Add 1/2 cup lowfat buttermilk.I know buttermilk? Who would have thought.Add 2 tbs margarine or butter.I am a Land O Lakes fan.Mix it all up.I know I know. . .It doesn't look all that good, but .. . it's healthy and it goes down. I am all about trying to get the kids to have a little healthier life.

1 comment:

Alex and Jessica and kids said...

We love that seceret recipe our kids eat it up.