Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mashed Potatoes

I was pleasantly surprised with this recipe. I am not the biggest potato fan. I made these more for the kids but they turned out surprisingly well and the kids gobbled them up. I know they don't look very yummy, but Tim even had a second helping.

The recipe came from this Deceptively Delicious. Picked up this book and then had second thoughts. I didn't want to hide vegetables from my kids, but decided that it was OK as long they had a vegetable side.
Ingredients; 1/2 cup Cauliflower puree, 16 oz potatoes, 1/2 cup buttermilk, and 2 tbs butter.Peel 16 oz of potatoes, for me this was 4 medium size potatoes.Prepare them to be boiled.Boil them.While the potatoes are boiling, steam some cauliflower. I steamed the whole head.Once it is steamed, blend it up.. .Blend it up good. . . Real good.. . You don't want to have any cauliflower clumps.Drain the potatoes and get ready to mix it all up.Add 1/2 cup of blended cauliflower.Add 1/2 cup lowfat buttermilk.I know buttermilk? Who would have thought.Add 2 tbs margarine or butter.I am a Land O Lakes fan.Mix it all up.I know I know. . .It doesn't look all that good, but .. . it's healthy and it goes down. I am all about trying to get the kids to have a little healthier life.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Taco Soup

This is one of my all time favorite soups. It is so delicious and it is so so easy. I'll show you step by step and you too can taste one of my clean eating favorites. Ingredients; 1lb chicken, sour cream, crushed tomatoes, tomato sauce, black beans, 1/2 onion, corn, taco seasoning.
Chop up 1/2 onion.
Cube 1lb chicken. I honestly prefer shredded chicken, but chicken is chicken and either way it will work. And either way it will be D*E*L*I*C*I*O*U*S*!

Add one teaspoon Taco Seasoning.Let that mixture cook ~ Stir occasionally.
In a seperate pot use one 15 oz can Tomato Sauce.

Yep. Just like this.
Open one 15 oz diced tomatoes.
Add it to the pot.. . . just like this.

One of my favorites. . .black beans. I add one 15 oz can of black beans. Don't forget to rinse.
There you go. Just add it to the mixture.
Add 1 cup of corn.Add sour cream. I prefer fat free.
There you go. . .we are almost done. PROMISE!
Add 3 teaspoons Taco Seasoning.
This is what the little mixture is looking like. A big pot with a lot of clean eating foods.
Here we go. Did you forget about your chicken/onions? Well drain those and mix it in "the pot." Yep. . .just like this.

Let this mixture simmer on low for about 45 minutes and yum yum yummy! Your tummy will thank you! Clean and Delicious. It doesn't get much better than this.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Green Beans

Yum Yum Yummy! For a healthy little side this one is at the top of my list.

Ingredients; French beans, mushrooms, coconut oil, and Season Salt.
This recipe you just guess and throw it all together. I don't do exact measurement except for the coconut oil. It is usually a handful of this or a handful of that, etc.
Add 1 tbs coconut oil to warm skillet.See those little ends ~ we call them pokies. They have got to go. Once upon a time I tried serving those pokies to my kiddies and they thought they were going to die. To this day they have a slight phobia of the green beans.Cut off one side of the pokies. Then the other side. Add those green beans to the mix.
Shake it! Shake it!
Never realized that I like mushrooms. I like mushrooms! Add those mushrooms. Mushrooms with green beans and coconut oil is like a treat!
Maybe even add some more. Cooking it in the skillit is really a matter of personal preference. If you like your greens extra crispy no so long. If you like them a little softer longer. Good luck. . . And there you go! Go and enjoy!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


M1: 1/3 oatmeal, 1tb Maple syrup, Protein shake
M2: Banana, 1 tb Peanut butter (just can't kick it yet)
M3: Chicken Salad ~ 4 oz chicken, 3 cups spinach, 2 tbs black beans, 2 tbs salsa, 2 tbs Sour cream, 1/2 tomato.
M4: Tilapia, 1/2 tbs Coconut oil, 2 tbs rice, 2 tbs black beans, 2 tbs sour cream, 3 strawberries.
M5: 1 cup FF yogurt, 3 large strawberries, 1/4 cup granola.

5 liters

Monday, April 14, 2008


Just sharing some yummy recipes. I am not a food photographer (I heard it is an art of it's own) and definitely not considered a good cook (that is sissy). I'm just a simple girl trying to eat clean meals. Thought I would share some recipes with those on a clean eating quest. I know all to well that eating clean can cancel hours and hours of gym time. So let's eat clean! We'll start with one of my favorites . . .this TILAPIA Creation!
Ingredients; Tilapia, Rice, Tomato, Avocado or Coconut Oil, Black Beans, Season Salt, Sour Cream and Fresh Salsa.Melt 1/2 tb Coconut Oil per serving. If you want to save on calories use Cooking Spray. 1/2 tb coconut oil is about 59 calories. Remember you need a healthy fat and Coconut oil is a really yummy healthy fat. It adds an amazing flavor.Put those loins in pan. Season with Johnny's Season Salt. Johnny's is a favorite. Try it. . .You'll love it!

While those Tilapia cooks. Measure 2 tbs Fat Free Sour Cream. Add 2 tbs fresh Salsa.Yes. . .black beans straight from the can.Rinse. Please Please Please Rinse. We are clean eating here!

Add 2 tbs Black Beans.I added 1/4 cup of Rice. After I calculated the calories I should have added 2 tbs it would have been plenty filling and cut the calories to the perfect amount.
Dice up 1/2 tomato.Add it to the Mix.
The easiest way for me to check if the Tilapia is completely cooked is if it breaks apart really easily.Add 1/4 avocado. I know avocados are delicious. . .but only 1/4 and only if you didn't use coconut oil. We don't need to go on healthy fat overload. Just add that to the mix. And Mix. . . . Add fully cooked Tilapia.And Mix. . .mix . . .mix. . .It might not look all that delicious, but let me tell you it is so yummy! It is a regular at this house. I L*O*V*E love it!
Serve with your choice of a yummy veggie.
Approximate calories; 320